Is your teenager hungry for more?

Leadership coaching can nurture their spark and help them apply their awesomeness to every area of their life.

Schedule a call with Aubrey

Welcome to Coaching with Aubrey! 

My transformational life and leadership coaching is designed to unleash your teen's capabilities and activate their purpose. Through personalized sessions, I'll be that next-level mentor they crave. Teens thrive when taken seriously and given real empowerment.

I'll coach them through tackling challenges, living out their values, expanding influence, and turning dreams into action. And I'll do it in a judgment-free space tailored to the teen brain, life stage, and communication style.

Schedule with Aubrey

Results of coaching with Aubrey

Time Management

He struggled with procrastination and was chronically late submitting assignments. He developed organization and time management skills and has turned everything in on time this semester as well as going up by 2 letter grades.

Future Plans

She had no idea what career path to pursue after highschool. Through assessing her values and interests, she discovered creative passions and is attending her top choice university.

Self Confidence

She tended to compare herself to others and lacked self-belief. Now she sees her unique worth and talents. Her self-talk is kind and empowering.


He broke unhealthy habits and optimized his diet and fitness routine resulting in more energy. This enabled him to show up as his best self and fulfill his goals with greater resilience.


What people say about Coaching with Aubrey


“This was the most productive and successful three months of my life. I am 1000% a better human for it!”



“If you have children this is a great opportunity not only for them, but for the whole family. The impact will spill over into your entire home.”


“Every time I have a session with her I walk away feeling lighter, more motivated, excited to live and celebrate life, and truly connected to myself.”

Meet Aubrey

Hey there! I'm Aubrey, and I'm so excited you're here! 

Leadership, to me, is the ability to cause change. I coach teens and parents around the world, helping them create positive change in themselves and the world around them. 

My passion is unleashing the next generation's potential to become unstoppable leaders of character who take bold action.

In addition to coaching, I lead immersive leadership programs for teens, women, and businesses. You can catch me outside worldschooling my family as we explore and work from different countries around the globe.

I'm excited you're here - and I can’t wait to support you!

Schedule a call with Aubrey

Let's See If We Are a Good Fit.

Your teen is capable of greatness. This mentoring will be a game-changer for their self-belief and future. But I don’t work with everyone. Ask your teen if this is what they are looking for.

On our 30-min call we’ll decide whether we are a good fit for coaching together. 

Schedule a 30 minute discovery call for your teen today.

Yup results are in, coaching with Aubrey works!

Why does teen coaching work?

Teens thrive when given:

  • A judgment-free space for self-reflection
  • New perspectives
  • Ownership of their growth.
  • Validations that they're NOT ALONE in what they're going through.

Their self leadership will be at the basis of our work. 



Why coaching with me works:

  • My funky leadership style is relatable, apparently I never outgrew that awkward phase.
  • My action oriented mindset helps conversation stay focused, sticking to goals and cultivating self belief.
  • And most importantly, I am not their parent. Sorry not sorry.

I don't fix teens. Here's what I do instead. 

  • I provide space for them to do their own inner work and self-development.
  • I acknowledge their talents while expanding potential.
  • I cultivate ownership of their unique gifts.
  • I challenge old ways of thinking that no longer serve them.
  • I help them upgrade their daily habits and routines for sustainable success
  • I craft a unique vision for their future with them - and map out how to get there.
  • I guide them to trust themselves, think for themselves, and lead themselves powerfully.
  • I inspire them to ignite their passions and rediscover their purpose.

They are already awesome ;)

3 Months of Coaching for  $997


3 Flexible Hours/Month

You decide how to use your hours. Many parents split coaching with their youth.

Private Virtual Meetings

We do private virtual coaching, can be video or voice only, your choice.

Unlimited Voice and Text Messaging

Communicate as needed with Aubrey between calls. Teens and parents!

Book your call with Aubrey

More testimonials from parents and teens who have worked with Aubrey.


“Aubrey gives so much empowerment and depth to the journey kids get to navigate. Best gift ever for living authentically.”


“I feel more stable, able to see a bigger picture, I’m not questioning myself anymore or feeling like all my fears are the end of the world.” TEEN


“I am now at the top of my class. I used to be stressed out and now I stay hyped all day long. I feel alive.”

Unsure where to start?

Parent coaching with me provides strategies to nurture your teen's growth and communicate in transformational ways. Let's explore this life-changing mentoring for YOU together.

A lot of my parents choose to split the coaching hours with their teens. 

Book a call for yourself, or with you and your teen. Let’s create magic for your family together.

Is coaching with Aubrey right for you?

If you have read this far and coaching with me resonates with you and your teen, trust that instinct and schedule a discovery call. This is soul work for me, and I don’t say yes to everyone. This is leadership coaching and the teens need to take ownership. For those teens hungry for more, our work together can be life-changing.

Schedule with Aubrey

As you book a call, do it from the space and energy of fully choosing and empowering yourself.

Knowing that you’re now drawing a line in the sand and welcoming in a new level.

From here, we can create magic together. I'm absolutely thrilled to be working with you.

See you on the inside!


- Coach Aubrey